Konrad Reiche About Photos Talks


I am a regular speaker at conferences and meetups. Slides and videos can be found below. More talks and slides can be found here.

Conference Talks

Building a Highly Concurrent Cache in Go: A Hitchhiker’s Guide

GopherCon 2023, San Diego - Slides, Video

From Service to Platform: A Ranking System in Go

GopherCon UK, London - Slides, Video

GopherCon Europe 2022, Berlin - Slides, Video

Lightning Talk: Errors: to Log, or Not to Log? Video

Lightning Talk, GopherCon 2022, Chicago Slides, Video

go generate: One File To Rule Them All

GopherCon Russia 2019, Moscow - Slides, Video

It doesn’t have to be REST: WebSockets in Go

Golang UK 2017, London - Slides, Video

Gopherfest SV 2017, Palo Alto - Slides, Video

Meetup Talks

The Boring Programmer: Best Practices in Go

Knowledge Sharing Simplæx, Berlin, 2018 - Slides

Let’s build a concurrent non-blocking cache

GoSF Meetup 2017, San Francisco - Video

Pact: Consumer-Driven Contract Testing in Go

Go Meetup 2016, Berlin - Slides